Stick rpg 2 directors cut wa
Stick rpg 2 directors cut wa

stick rpg 2 directors cut wa

South Dakota: Sounds like someone is a little bit concerned about their position.Ĭarolina: Hey South, pay attention. I.Ĭarolina: (still pacing behind the other three agents) Both of you, can it. South Dakota : Why do you assume it's a guy? She's a girl. Washington: Wow, he sure doesn't move like he's recruit. However, they are all knocked back seconds later. Meanwhile, down in the training room, York, Maine and Wyoming get back up and charge forward. Zoom to the spectating room above the training ground, where Washington, North, South, and Carolina all watch the battle.Ĭarolina: (pacing behind the other three agents) What's going on down there? There's no training session on the schedule.

stick rpg 2 directors cut wa

Maine, Wyoming and York are knocked down to the ground by the agent's pugil stick, revealing the agent to be none other than Tex. We're going to watch! Hey guys, wait up! (Leaves)Ĭut to a training room as Maine, Wyoming and York run torwards the agent with pugil sticksį.I.L.S.S.: Five, four, three, two, one: Round begin. Squaring off against Maine, Wyoming, and York on the training room floor. Soldier: (Pointing down the hall) New agent. Washington: Hey, what's going on? Soldier, where is everyone running?

stick rpg 2 directors cut wa

One soldier bumps into Washington's shoulder Lots of questions about the insurrection and transmissions coming out of our.

stick rpg 2 directors cut wa

Soldiers start running past Washington kind of slowly North Dakota: If I was lucky I wouldn't have needed to use it at all. Washington: Equipment in the field.don't forget what happened to Utah during training. North Dakota: Okay now I don't want to talk about it. Washington: Let me guess, are you related to the problem? Washington: You did? Really? Without a pipeline back to the command server? I'm still getting heat about using equipment in the field. Washington: Not really supposed to talk about that. North Dakota: Hey, Wash! Wait up! Listen, I heard you had a meeting with Internals. Washington walks down a hallway in which North Dakota follows him. Alarms and medical blares are heard afterward as the episode ends. Unfortunately, the grenade lands near York and explodes in front of him. As the battle becomes more intense Maine throws a grenade towards Tex, which she easily dodges. As the two start firing, York tries to protect Tex, but she refuses his help, telling him "Not to abandon his team". In Round 9, Maine and Wyoming then purposely load their pistols with live rounds of ammo instead of paint, shocking York. Tex continually out smarts the 3 Freelancers, eventually winning 3-8 Rounds. While York, Maine, and Wyoming look for Tex in the arena, Tex quietly uses her surroundings to get the best of them. The 4 Freelancers are given paintguns to use. This results in the three Freelancers to repeatedly get their asses brutally kicked by Tex, ending Round 2. York tries again to regroup his team, but continues to be ignored by Maine and Wyoming. Tex, however, easily kicks and punches them around, impressing the other Freelancers overlooking the battle. The three of them then start attacking Tex from all sides. However, Maine and Wyoming, instead, attack by themselves, leading to all three having many repeated failures. As Round 2 begins, York tries to coordinate a plan with his teammates. During the match, using her strength and agility, Tex easily defeats her three opponents, winning Round 1. Meanwhile, Freelancers Washington, North Dakota, South Dakota, Carolina, and C.T., overlook the battle from above. In the match, the new Freelancer, Agent Texas, spars with Wyoming, Maine, and York. The episode begins where the last one left off, with Washington and North Dakota heading to a training match featuring a new Freelancer.

Stick rpg 2 directors cut wa